Brian Wachter

I use my experience and success to help others achieve freedom. I've been exploring the human experience and its meaning since childhood. Life is a spiritual journey for me. For as long as I can remember I've felt in touch with the sun, life's larger questions and other people. I worked with Henry Stapp on the book "Quantum Physics and Free WilI." I glimpsed Ein Sof during a conversation with a friend at age 16. You can read my story here.

I have a new theory of consciousness you can read about here.

My symbol is the radius, because it represents the whole in relation to its contents:

  Here is a photo I made of Piano Player Brad Mehldau.

Recently, I drove out to Black Sands Beach below the village of Shelter Cove, California. It marks the southern terminus of the Lost Coast, a large coastal wilderness guarded by the formidable King Range. This was of the most foreboding places I've ever been. A sign on the trail to the beach lets you know the ocean rules this place, not man. You are warned to stay 100 feet back from the shore break. When you approach the water, you feel its power to take your life instantly. I didn't get the feeling this place sees much sun.

Sometimes in a beautiful seaside spot you think you are in touch with a higher world. This place felt like a lower world. But it was awesome!

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Here is the old-cemetary gate, main chapel, an architectural detail, and the hotel adjacent to Mission San Juan Bautista:

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Here're my recent pictures from a magical morning at Point Lobos:
